Monday, August 13, 2012

I Have Arrived!

I made it to Lilongwe. and boy was it a long way. There is a lovely garden in the back yard with a great big elevated water tank to go along with it. I didn’t see a working compost bin, so maybe that’s something that can be added. I did spy some chickens though, so hopefully we can get some fresh eggs. 

According to some folks at the Kusamala  permaculture organization most everything grows well in the capital. The rainy season (which is coming up) can get a bit tricky in terms of pests and too much water for tomatoes, squash, basil, and broccoli, but just about everything else should be fine. 

I’ve got plenty of wall space so I might sacrifice some kite string in order to create some trellises for sugar snap peas and cherry tomato vines.