Thursday, July 26, 2012

Hello Malawi, Hello My Honey...

I'm still in the States at this point, trying to tie up loose ends as well look for opportunities in Malawi. 

One of the things I've been doing is trying to think of ideas that I could implement with very little outside help. A worse case scenario of how I might make the most of my time. One of the ideas I had was to start bee keeping. Or perhaps, keeping bees. Keeping bees would be a way of ensuring I had a supply of sugar, as well as pollination. The trouble is bee keeping generally takes about a year to get going. So I probably won't be keeping bees. However, there are a number of different bee keeping initiatives going on in the region. This is a link to a site that talks about how bee keeping can be a way for farmers to develop secondary incomes.

Hello World

Hello World

This is the first post of my new blog. I am moving to Malawi for a year and will use this blog as a way to share my experiences while I am there. I'm not much of a journal keeper, but I will do my best to post regularly.